Tehreem is a Supplemental Instruction Facilitator, Maximizing Engineering Potential (MEP) at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. She joined the lab as part though the Base 11 program and here is an account of her experience at LPL:
I applied to the Base 11 program, with little hope of being picked since I felt like I lacked a lot of skills. Fortunately, I was picked for the USC- LPL Academic Year- round internship. Once I got the internship, I was exposed to the basics of rocketry and learned many engineering skills that are not taught in classes. After my time at LPL, I was selected for a summer internship at CalTech’s Center for Autonomous Systems and Technology (CAST) where I worked on improving the thrust efficiency of the Flying Ambulance.
Although a mechanical engineering major, I have always had a special interest in rocketry and propulsion and LPL seemed like the perfect place to start. To sum up my experience in one word, it was amazing! I met some very smart and amazing people, and learned a lot from them. Sometimes it was a respite from the academic pressure at school. My fondest memory of LPL was our trip to Mojave to hot fire Hydra. It was my first trip for such an event and we spent the whole day out in the desert working on the feed system to get it ready for the static fire.
I did not apply to USC for transfer, however it did help me solidify my future goals to pursue my masters in Aerospace/Astronautics, which I hope to pursue at USC. I wish to put all this knowledge to good use, and work for a firm where I can utilize her potential and do my best.
Tehreem is looking forward to graduation and to then pursue a Masters degree. She is currently a Continuous Improvement Intern at Permaswage, PCC Fluid Fittings, an aerospace manufacturing company.